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GIE Security Day 2018


Wed, 11/21/2018 - 10:00 to 13:00


GIE Office
Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100
1000  Brussels



Event Location


Event Description

GIE office, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100, 1000, Brussels
21 November, 10.00-13.00
Moderator: Andrea Chittaro, Chair of Security SG, Gas Infrastructure Europe
European gas infrastructure security is increasingly relevant and action is urgent. We now see much higher threat levels, as well as a broader spectrum of security risks, including terrorism and cybercrime.
As the growth and expansion of digital tools and technology has increasingly permeated our daily lives, the need for cyber security has grown. Once everything is connected, what can we do and what are some scenarios that may eventuate without proper protection from cyber-attacks?   
With these increasing risks there is important work to be done on gas infrastructure security at a European-wide level. We are confident that the GIE Security Study Group will both provide invaluable benefit to GIE member companies those challenging times and be a point of reference for EU institutions in the matter of energy infrastructure security.
With the SECURITY DAY the GIE Security Study Group expects to submit messages, raise awareness, inform members about current developments and trends as well as about available tools and methods to mitigate and manage current risks. Additionally, GIE members shall be attracted to contribute actively to the work of the Study Group.
The target audience are the CEOs, Management Directors and Security Managers of GIE Members. 
9.15-9.30 Welcome coffee
9.30-9.35 Welcome address 
Francisco de la Flor | Gas Infrastructure Europe
9.35-9.40 Introduction to the Security Day
Andrea Chittaro | Gas Infrastructure Europe
9.40-10.00 Hybrid threats – a standing new challenge
Jukka Savolainen | Hybrid CoE
10.00-10.30 Cybersecurity in the geopolitical context
Stefano Mele | Technology, Data Protection, Cybersecurity and Intelligence Lawyer
10.30-11.00 What is the electricity sector doing against cyber-attacks? A view from ENTSO-E. 
Keith Buzzard | ENTSO-E 
11.00-11.15 Coffee break
11.15-11.35 What is the gas sector doing on cybersecurity? A view from GIE and ENTSO-G.
Andrea Chittaro | Gas Infrastructure Europe
Antonio Gomez | ENTSO-G
11.35-11.50 The Crisis Centres new “all risk” approach on safety and security risks
Piet Pieters | Governmental Centre of Coordination and Crisis Centre 
11.50-12.10 Working on sustainable security awareness and the important role of management: Gasunie Security Challenge 
Gerard Mulder | Mindgame 
Ernest Wiersma | Gasunie
12.10-12.30 How to fight a cyber crisis: the Dutch model
Hans Oude Alink | Ministry of Justice and Security department National Cyber Security Centre
12.30-12.50 State of the art – NIS Directive
Christina Skouloudi | ENISA 
12.50-13.00 Concluding remarks 
Andrea Chittaro | Gas Infrastructure Europe
13.00-14.00 Lunch
For registrations, please send an email to

Events of the week


European University Institute (EUI)
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INTERNSHIP – Policy intern
Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B) - Institut Jules Bordet
Gestionnaire financier pour les financements régionaux, nationaux et européens des projets de recherche
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EC Partnership Coordinator
Senior Officer, EU Advocacy
Senior Officer, Funding