Sustainable Energy Day: Putting buildings at the centre of integrated local energy systems
Event Location
Event Description
Buildings are a priority sector for the EU Green Deal. Higher ambition on building renovation will not only deliver important emission reductions, but will also help relaunch our economy, create jobs and reduce our dependence on energy imports. The diversity of European buildings requires a mix of energy efficiency, renewable energy and smart energy solutions optimised at local level. There is no one-size-fits-all!
Buildings sector decarbonisation goes hand in hand with consumer empowerment. The uptake of EVs and heat pumps motivates some consumers to produce their own electricity via PV or micro-CHP or engage in demand response. Yet, prosumer behaviour is not sufficiently promoted through an adapted market design.
Zooming out to the district level, consumers’ individual decisions may not be congruent with overall energy and climate ambition. Disconnections from district heating and switching to individual solutions often lead to lower system efficiency and system adequacy issues. Such negative consequences could be prevented through local energy systems planning and operation.
This Sustainable Energy Day will feature a high-level policy debate on buildings decarbonisation complemented by a series of best practices. These examples will showcase how energy systems integration at local, district and building level will play a key role in boosting energy efficiency, integrating higher shares of renewables and reducing energy costs for consumers.
This event will take place in Brussels (Rue de la Loi 42) from 14:00 until 16:00 (followed by a Networking Reception). You are welcome to attend the event either in person or online (via an interactive livestream). Registration is free of charge.
Welcome and Introduction
- Hans Korteweg - Managing Director, COGEN Europe
Keynote speeches
- Ciaran Cuffe - Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur on EPBD
- Adela Tesarova - Head of Unit 'Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition', DG Energy, European Commission
Smart Synergies for Green Buildings – Case Studies
- 'The Future of Smart Energy: from smart appliances to transactive energy' - Jeremy Harrison - Principal Analyst, Delta-EE
- 'Stationary Fuel Cells for homes and small businesses' - Alexandra Tudoroiu-Lakavičė - Head of Policy, COGEN Europe (Representing the PACE Project)
- 'Delivering decarbonisation at local level' - Kamila Waciega - Director of Energy & Public Affairs, Veolia
Panel Discussion: Unlocking systems integration for an ambitious Renovation Wave
- Aurelie Bauvais - Managing Director, Euroheat & Power
- Eva Hennig - CEDEC
- Marion Malafosse - Policy Manager, SmartEn
- Dries Acke - Director, Solar Power Europe
Concluding remarks
- Hans Korteweg - Managing Director, COGEN Europe
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