Global Electricity Transmission System & Grid Operators to discuss role of electricity networks in addressing climate change at a pre-COP26 event
Event Description
COP 26 highlights a critical time for climate action, it provides a vital platform for governments, individuals and businesses to come together and work towards building a better future. COP26 will give a further platform to countries around the world to pursue a path to low carbon energy systems. Ahead of the Summit, global electricity transmission system and grid operators will join to discuss the role of electricity in delivering climate neutrality to our energy system in a high-level online conference on 20 October.
GO15, ENTSO-E, and Med-TSO, which represent global, European, and Mediterranean grid operators and National Grid ESO, under the UK Presidency of the COP26 Summit, will debate the solutions required for decarbonisation, and underline their commitment to cross-border cooperation in achieving climate neutrality. The event will further mark the launch of a joint declaration, which again commits these partners to close cooperation, knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices as they address this shared challenge.
This event will feature keynote speeches by the leaders of these associations, and a further panel debate with international and EU energy policymakers and TSO leaders. The online conference will be a unique opportunity to hear experiences from Europe, the United States, Northern Africa and the Middle East on how electricity networks are set to become the backbone of greener, more competitive and resilient societies. More details and registration can be found here:
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