InnoGrid2022 - 14 & 29 June 2022
Event Description
Jointly organized by the Association of the European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), this 11th edition of InnoGrid will focus on the need to accelerate the transition toward a carbon-neutral economy. This is not only driven by more ambitious climate targets set by the ‘Fit for 55’ Package, but it also responds to the new conditions created in Europe by the conflict in Ukraine and the European Commission’s plan “REPowerEU”.
There needs to be an acceleration in the integration of renewables, in the move towards smart and adaptable demand, underpinned by a deep electrification process, and in the development of new and enhanced use of power networks combined with the provision of flexibility solutions in all time frames. With this acceleration, Europe will be better equipped to maintain its security of supply while speeding up toward a carbon-neutral economy. This requires boosting innovation in three key areas: electricity grids, active customers, and flexibility.
ENTSO-E and E.DSO together with stakeholders open up the discussion at InnoGrid 2022 on the needed acceleration of innovation in the European power networks.
On 14 June (Day 1) the event (online only) will showcase a series of important European research projects that are advancing the transition of the power system today. On 29 June (Day 2), (hybrid format - Brussels, Arsenal, Chaussée de Wavre/Waversesteenweg, 950 1040 Brussels) the perspectives of policymakers, researchers, industry, and power system operators will be brought together with a unique combination of strategic debates and presentations of solutions in the making.
Register now for our annual event on innovation in electricity networks on 14 and 29 June!