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Masters of Digital 2019


Thu, 02/21/2019 - 08:30 to 18:00


Concert Noble,
Rue d'Arlon 82,
1000  Brussels



Event Location


Event Description

DIGITALEUROPE, the leading technology trade association in Europe, is proud to invite you to its “Masters of Digital “2019” conference and exhibition taking place on 21 February at the prestigious Concert Noble in Brussels.
By gathering over 400 senior representatives from the digital industry and senior representatives from the EU Institutions and national governments, Masters of Digital 2019 is a unique flagship event in Europe which focuses on the future digital policy environment in Europe and beyond.
  • Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society – on how Europe wants to boost digital innovation and enable digital scale-ups to thrive
  • Martin Selmayr, Secretary-General, European Commission – on Europe becoming the digital continent
  • Margot James, the British Minister for Digital and Creative Innovations – on what is the UK’s vision for a digital Europe
  • Mounir Mahjoubi, the French Minister for Digital and Creative Innovations – on what is France’s vision for a digital Europe
This year’s Masters of Digital will put strong emphasis on five topics that are of key importance in today’s digital world: Digital Ecosystems, Digital Manufacturing, Sustainability, e-Health, Artificial Intelligence, and EU Leadership beyond 2020. They will be covered in-depth during panel debates by high-level guests from the industry, EU institutions and national governments and other experts.
The launch of DIGITALEUROPE’s Manifesto will be one of the highlights of the event. We will present our bold vision on the future of Europe and outline an action plan for how digital will benefit Europe in the next ten years.
For the second time in a row, DIGITALEUROPE will publicly recognise the positive impact that SMEs have on the European economy and the potential that they possess to become future global unicorns. Thus, the event will feature an award ceremony during which Commissioner Mariya Gabriel will hand out the Future Unicorn award to European SMEs that have proven to be digitally innovative and successful.
Throughout the event, participants will also have access to the technology exhibition featuring state-of-the-art gadgets, applications and tools developed by global innovators such as Siemens, Google and Microsoft, and others.
For further context, you can consult the website of the event where you can also watch the case movie and report we produced for the previous edition of Masters of Digital.
For more information please contact:
Lionel Sola, DIGITALEUROPE’s Director of Communications and Political Outreach +32 492 25 84 32 or
Kivanç Akil, DIGITALEUROPE’s Events and Office Executive + 32 473 36 17 54 or
DIGITALEUROPE represents the digital technology industry in Europe. Our members include some of the world's largest IT, telecoms and consumer electronics companies and national associations from every part of Europe. DIGITALEUROPE wants European businesses and citizens to benefit fully from digital technologies and for Europe to grow, attract and sustain the world's best digital technology companies. DIGITALEUROPE ensures industry participation in the development and implementation of EU policies.
DIGITALEUROPE’s members include in total over 35,000 ICT Companies in Europe represented by 63 Corporate Members and 40 National Trade Associations from across Europe. Our website provides further information on our recent news and activities:
Corporate Members
Airbus, Amazon, AMD, Apple, Arçelik, Bosch, Bose, Brother, Canon, Cisco, Dell, Dropbox, Epson, Ericsson, Fujitsu, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hitachi, HP Inc., Huawei, Intel, JVC Kenwood Group, Konica Minolta, Kyocera, Lenovo, Lexmark, LG Electronics, Loewe, MasterCard, METRO, Microsoft, Mitsubishi Electric Europe, Motorola Solutions, MSD Europe Inc., NEC, Nokia, Nvidia Ltd., Océ, Oki, Oracle, Palo Alto Networks, Panasonic Europe, Philips, Pioneer, Qualcomm, Ricoh Europe PLC, Rockwell Automation, Samsung, SAP, SAS, Schneider Electric, Sharp Electronics, Siemens, Sony, Swatch Group, Tata Consultancy Services, Technicolor, Texas Instruments, Toshiba, TP Vision, VMware, Xerox.
National Trade Associations
Austria: IOÖ Belarus: INFOPARK, Belgium: AGORIA, Bulgaria: BAIT, Croatia: Croatian Chamber of Economy Cyprus: CITEA, Denmark: DI Digital, IT-BRANCHEN, Estonia: ITL, Finland: TIF, France: AFNUM, Syntec Numérique, Tech in France, Germany: BITKOM, ZVEI, Greece: SEPE, Hungary: IVSZ, Ireland: TECHNOLOGY IRELAND, Italy: Anitec-Assinform, Lithuania: INFOBALT, Luxembourg: APSI, Netherlands: Nederland ICT, FIAR, Norway: Abelia, Poland: KIGEIT, PIIT, ZIPSEE
Portugal: AGEFE, Romania: ANIS, APDETIC, Slovakia: ITAS, Slovenia: GZS, Spain: AMETIC, Sweden: Foreningen Teknikföretagen i Sverige, IT&Telekomföretagen, Switzerland: SWICO, Turkey: Digital Turkey Platform, ECID, Ukraine: IT UKRAINE, United Kingdom: techUK.


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