Petcore Europe 2022: "LCA - Educational Webinar"
Event Description
We are looking forward to meeting you on the 21st April at 2 PM CET!
Join our webinar on the 21st of April to dwell into the world of life cycle assessments!
About this event
Nowadays we feel overwhelmed with an excessive amount of information about life cycle assessments of products, however not everyone knows how to interpret the data. By setting up the series of the webinars Petcore Europe would like to spread a clear message on what LCA is and also to share the knowledge about how to interpret the LCA studies in a right way.
2:00 - 2:45 PM: LCA – background and basics
Speakers: Klaas Geneyn (McBride) & Mandy Paschetag (Rittec)
- Results of an analysis of 28 LCA studies provided by Petcore members
- Goals of the webinar
- Basic information about LCA
o What is it & for what can it be used?
o Typical phases of a product life cycle
o Different types (process, organisation, product)
o Principle procedure for carrying out a LCA
- How to prepare a LCA study? (short introduction to the four steps – goal and scope definition, Life cycle inventory, Life cycle impact assessment, results and interpretation)
- Short Overview about different Standards and Guidelines (using a time scale)
- Very short introduction of the PEF
- Summary + Take Home Messages
- Outlook to further activities of the workgroup
2:45 - 3:00 PM: Q&A
3:00 - 3:05 PM: Coffee break
3:05 - 3:25 PM: LCA updates by Sidel
Speakers: Luc Desoutter & Naima Boutroy (Sidel)
Content: Challenges to create a LCA study (for different packaging types)
3:25 - 3:45 PM: tbc
3:45 - 4:00 PM: Q&A
Maria Trofimova
Digital Communications Officer
Petcore Europe
Phone: +32 (0) 2 315 24 88