Petcore Europe 2022: “Reuse in focus, challenges & opportunities for the PET industry”
Event Description
Petcore Europe 2022: “Reuse in focus, challenges & opportunities for the PET industry”
We are looking forward to meeting you all on the 25th MAY 2022!
As REUSE is a key topic in the European sustainability policy, Petcore Europe has started a reflection with its members on how REUSE can bring improvement to the PET industry and how this will integrate and modify the sector’s already developed infrastructure.
The EU Commission promotes the following hierarchy in its packaging policies: REDUCE consumption, REUSE and RECYCLE. Thus, REUSE is becoming a significant pillar to support the ultimate goal of the EU to be climate neutral by 2050, in parallel with the all-other related actions for PET bottle light weighting and recycling.
The objectives of this webinar are:
- To communicate to the audience the PPWD measures across the EU,
- To present the REUSE status and legislative developments across the EU Countries,
- To share with the audience related activities of the industry,
- To update the audience on REUSE best practices across the EU.
1:00 PM | Wednesday 25 May | Programme & Speakers
Session 1: “Reuse: challenges and opportunities for the PET industry”
13:00-13:05 Welcome and Introduction – Sebastian Lemp, ALPLA
13:05-13:15 Wolfgang Trunk, European Commission
13:15-13:30 Reuse PET industry state of play and considerations for the uptake of reuse solutions – Argiris Dabanlis, Petcore Europe
13:30-13:50 Zero Waste Europe (tbc)
13:50-14:10 Reuse: where do we stand? – Clarissa Morawski, Reloop
14:10-14:20 Regulatory update: EU level and national overview – Sebastian Lemp, ALPLA
14:20-14:50 Panel discussion moderated by Raphael Jaumotte, Petcore Europe
14:50-15:00 Coffee break
Session 2: “National regulatory push for more reuse: status quo in France and Germany”
15:00-15:15 Update from Germany (tbc)
15:15-15:30 How French legislation is pushing forward to insure reusable packaging? – Sébastien Jacques, ELISPO
15:30-15:45 Citeo work on standardised reusable packaging (tbc)
15:45-16:00 Q&A Session and Closure & wrapping up – Christian Crépet, Petcore Europe
Best wishes,
Petcore Europe Team