The potential of a liquid fuels strategy for the decarbonisation
Event Description
The potential of a liquid fuels strategy for the decarbonisation online event organised by the Sustainable, long-term investments and competitive European industry intergroup and sponsored by FuelsEurope will take place online Monday 15 November 2021 from 15:00 to 17:00 CET.
Building on the existing 2030 legislation and the Communication on stepping up the EU’s 2030 climate ambition, the Commission is reviewing and proposing to revise, where necessary, the relevant legislation. This set of proposals, the so-called “Fit for 55” package, was issued on July 14th 2021.
FuelsEurope supports the EU’s 2050 Climate Neutrality objective and published a pathway called Clean Fuels for All for the refining industry to become an essential contributor to this goal. FuelsEurope outlines why non-petroleum liquid fuels are a critical part of the energy transition and future for hard-to-electrify transport sectors, especially aviation, maritime and a share of road transport.
Sustainable biofuels, waste-to-fuels and synthetic fuels, manufactured from a wide range of non-petroleum feedstock available in the EU, and using CCS and clean H2, will enable a climate-neutral transport sector. These fuels will cut GHG emissions from all ICE vehicles in use, do not require huge public investments in logistics & infrastructures, and will enable faster progress, energy resilience and industrial transformation.
Both electricity and liquid fuels are on a journey to climate neutrality. Renewables in transport typically require strong and multiple policy and fiscal signals to deploy the relevant technologies and accelerate scale-up. Road transport has a greater ability to afford the higher costs (especially in the early stages) and many policies and fiscal instruments are available, compared with other sectors, to unlock investments in low-carbon technologies. Vehicles and fuels CO2 regulations play a key role in this policy ecosystem, therefore the revision of these regulations offers a unique opportunity to drive the decarbonisation of road transport.
Please find the agenda and the speakers’ biographies here.
You can register here.