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Powering digital inclusion through a European collective (Brussels)


Mon, 11/21/2022 - 15:00 to 19:30


180 Chaussée d'Etterbeek
1040  Brussels

Event Location


Event Description

The Digital Collective (DigiCo) is proud to announce its Official Launch in Brussels. With grant support from, DigiCo will aim to reduce the growing digital skills gap in Europe. Join us to be part of our European digital inclusion movement!

As we approach the 2023 European Year of Skills, we are reuniting our community of digital inclusion stakeholders to discuss digital inclusion, by diving into the specific case of migrants and refugees digital upskilling in a European context. Key leaders in the field of digital skills training, skills policy, and labour market policy will share their perspectives on this complex issue. Together, these voices will highlight the opportunities that digital skills training can bring for their labour integration, and emphasise the need for a multisectoral approach to reach sustainable employment pathways.

DigiCo will be announcing its 2023 Agenda, with grants and partnerships opportunities.

Panel 1: Digital upskilling for the integration of migrants: 3 European case studies

This panel invites leaders working at the forefront of migrants´ integration in Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland. They lead impactful digital skills training providing migrants and refugees with the tools to prosper in society. Our special guest Dana Pavlychko, CEO of United for Ukraine, will share the current struggles of Ukrainian refugees, and the opportunities that digital skills can bring for access to education and employment.


  • Sophie Jonke, Head of Munich Branch, REDI School of Digital Integration, Germany
  • Didier Van Dermereen, Founder and Director, Le Monde des Possibles, Belgium
  • Dana Pavlychko, CEO, United for Ukraine, Switzerland

Panel 2: Pathways for a comprehensive labour integration of migrants: The role of digital

This policy dialogue invites skills and labour market experts to discuss current pathways and mechanisms in the EU and neighbouring countries to integrate migrants in the job market. We will discuss how to build an inclusive labour market, through active measures, recognition of prior learning, and comprehensive education and skills training policies. Additionally, employer’s perspectives will be discussed. specifically targeting migrants.


  • Tiina Polo, Policy Officer in the Skills Agenda Unit, European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), Belgium
  • Maria do Carmo Gomes, Senior Human Capital Development Expert, European Training Foundation, Italy
  • Karine Sonigo, Skills Digitalisation Specialist, International Labour Organisation, Switzerland
  • Amadou Sako, Adviser & Project Officer for Africa, International Organisation of Employers (IOE), Switzerland

These panels will be followed by a Networking Reception.

We look forward to welcoming you in our event. Don´ t miss out!

If you have any questions, reach us at


More information here.

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