National and European politics have a significant impact on media freedom.

Publication Launch: Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index
Event Location
Event Description
11.45 Registration
12:00 Welcome
Dr. Nele Fabian, Senior European Affairs Manager, European Dialogue, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Panel Discussion
Katalin Cseh MEP, Renew Europe Group
Jan-Christoph Oetjen MEP (tbc), Renew Europe Group
Andreas Johansson Heinö, Editor, Authoritarian Populism Index/ Publishing Director, Timbro
Casper de Boer (tbc), Policy Assistant, European Commission
Moderator: Adam Bartha, Director, EPiCENTER
13.00 Q&A
13.15 Lunch & Networking
Register Now
Please register by 15 April, 2024 here.
About the Event
EPiCENTER and the European Dialogue programme of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom are delighted to invite you to the launch of the Authoritarian Populism Index to discuss the challenges facing liberal democracies and the rule of law in Europe. The event will reveal the latest edition of Timbro's Authoritarian Populism Index, which assesses political trends of all European democracies since 1980 and outlines the experiences of countries run by authoritarian populists.
The Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index (TAP) shows that today, one in four European voters cast their vote for an authoritarian populist party, which is more than twice compared to the early 2000s. At the same time, electoral support for liberal parties has also reached an all-time high, following a consistent pattern of growth since 2010.
Looking ahead to the European elections in May, it is essential to understand trends in electoral behaviour and prepare the EU's institutional set-up so that it can endure the rise of authoritarian populists in Brussels.
This event will present key results of the Authoritarian Populism Index and invites you to jointly discuss (among many other possible questions): how the European Commission's rule of law mechanism has performed over the last mandate; whether certain EU policies have contributed to the rise of populism and the slow erosion of centrist forces on the left and right in Europe; what new political ideas and communication methods could provide satisfactory answers for the concerns of the European electorate; how countries with authoritarian populist governance compare to their counterparts; what successful mechanisms can ensure that liberal democratic principles remain intact.
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