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S&Ds Africa Week - The Youth and the Future of Africa


Mon, 09/25/2017 to Thu, 09/28/2017


Global Europe

Event Location


Event Description

To find out more, please visit


Please register here to participate at one or more of the S&Ds 2017 Africa week events




ULB - S&D Group Conference Political and Social Activism in the Digital Era in Africa (25/09/2017 19.00-21.00) - venue: Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Campus de Solbosch (auditorium tbc)

S&D Group Photo Exhibition Opening / Meeting the Turkana by Roger Job (25/09/2017 14.00-15.00) - venue: exhibition area Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) 3rd floor in front of the meeting rooms ASP3G2/3, European Parliament

Global Progressive Forum - PES Women Conference / Political Empowerment of Women in Africa and in Europe (26/09/2017 15.00-18.00) - venue: Paul-Henri Spaak Building (PHS) room 3C50, European Parliament

BOZAR - S&D Group Conference / Generation Afropreneurs: Success Stories from the Digital Boom in Africa (26/09/2017 19.30-22.00) - venue: BOZAR, Rue Ravenstein 16, 1000 Brussels

Foundation for European Progressive Studies - SOLIDAR Conference Africa at a Crossroads: Youth Political Mobilisation, Freedom of Association and Peaceful Assembly (27/09/2017 09.30-11.30) - venue: FEPS, Rue Montoyer 40, 1000 Brussels

Global Progressive Forum - Rainbow Rose Round Table LGBTIQ Rights in Africa and in Europe: Creating a Common Roadmap (27/09/2017 12.00-14.00) - venue: Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) room 1E3, European Parliament

S&D Group Conference / African Future (27/09/2017 14.30-19.00) - venue: József Antall Building (JAN) room 4Q2, European Parliament

S&D Group Seminar / Monitoring the Economic Partnership Agreements: The Role of Civil Society (28/09/2017 09:00-10.45) - venue: Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) room 3G2, European Parliament

S&D Group Film & Debate Event / When Elephants Fight (28/09/2017 11:00-13.00) - venue: Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) room 3G2, European Parliament

A detailed programme and more information can be found here

Events of the week


EBA - European Biogas Association
Technical and Project officer
European Gas Research Group (GERG)
Communications Officer
Personal Assistant
European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Policy Officer
Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE)
Junior Policy Adviser
The Carbon Capture Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Independent Board Director
BDA | Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände e.V.
Europareferentin / Europareferent (m/w/d)
European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Policy Trainee
Sales & Events Intern