Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

S&Ds Africa Week - The Youth and the Future of Africa
Event Location
Event Description
To find out more, please visit
Please register here to participate at one or more of the S&Ds 2017 Africa week events
ULB - S&D Group Conference Political and Social Activism in the Digital Era in Africa (25/09/2017 19.00-21.00) - venue: Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Campus de Solbosch (auditorium tbc)
S&D Group Photo Exhibition Opening / Meeting the Turkana by Roger Job (25/09/2017 14.00-15.00) - venue: exhibition area Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) 3rd floor in front of the meeting rooms ASP3G2/3, European Parliament
Global Progressive Forum - PES Women Conference / Political Empowerment of Women in Africa and in Europe (26/09/2017 15.00-18.00) - venue: Paul-Henri Spaak Building (PHS) room 3C50, European Parliament
BOZAR - S&D Group Conference / Generation Afropreneurs: Success Stories from the Digital Boom in Africa (26/09/2017 19.30-22.00) - venue: BOZAR, Rue Ravenstein 16, 1000 Brussels
Foundation for European Progressive Studies - SOLIDAR Conference Africa at a Crossroads: Youth Political Mobilisation, Freedom of Association and Peaceful Assembly (27/09/2017 09.30-11.30) - venue: FEPS, Rue Montoyer 40, 1000 Brussels
Global Progressive Forum - Rainbow Rose Round Table LGBTIQ Rights in Africa and in Europe: Creating a Common Roadmap (27/09/2017 12.00-14.00) - venue: Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) room 1E3, European Parliament
S&D Group Conference / African Future (27/09/2017 14.30-19.00) - venue: József Antall Building (JAN) room 4Q2, European Parliament
S&D Group Seminar / Monitoring the Economic Partnership Agreements: The Role of Civil Society (28/09/2017 09:00-10.45) - venue: Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) room 3G2, European Parliament
S&D Group Film & Debate Event / When Elephants Fight (28/09/2017 11:00-13.00) - venue: Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) room 3G2, European Parliament
A detailed programme and more information can be found here
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