Serving development and fighting inequalities through quality statistics
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Event Description
This panel discussion will discuss current challenges statistics systems confront linked to new ways of accessing information. Panellists will give their perspective from different regions and institutions and will discuss what is behind the data, in terms of human resources and in terms of technology. Discussion will certainly allow to open a fruitful debate on more effective approach for development cooperation through a particular attention to statistics.
Mrs Avis Benes, Head of enlargement, neighbourhood and development cooperation unit of Eurostat will moderate the debate with:
o Ms Beata SUSZTEROVA, Head of statistical cooperation unit, Expertise France,
o Ms Dominque FRANCOZ, Head of the section "International Technical Assistance", INSEE,
o Mr Hedi SAIDI, Director General, AITRS,
o Mr Gogita TODRADZE, Executive Director, GEOSTAT.
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