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Ukrainian Refugees and the Workings of Temporary Protection


30 Jun 2022 12:30
30 Jun 2022 14:00


Thon EU Hotel (Belgium I & II)
Rue de la Loi 75


Europe's East

Event Description

Registration starts at 11:30 with lunch. The event will be livestreamed here and on YouTube.

On 4 March 2022, EU members unanimously triggered the Temporary Protection Directive for people fleeing the war in Ukraine. The decision offers a blanket protection in the EU to all Ukrainians who were present in Ukraine on the day of the Russian invasion. Refugees receive accommodation, basic medical care, education for under-18s, and immediate access to work. The member states exchange information regarding their reception capacities through a ‘Solidarity Platform’. A system to exchange nationally collected refugee registration data is being set up.

What are the workings of the Solidarity Platform? How can the members effectively coordinate regarding the needs of the refugees and their movements? Can the EU continue to rely on the self-distribution of refugees as opposed to a mandatory relocation scheme? Are the national migrant integration policies adequate to the task? To discuss these questions, the Martens Centre has put together a panel of highlevel officials.


European Organization for Security
Administrative Officer
Buildings Performance Institute Europe
Communications Manager
Hydrogen Europe Research
Project Manager
Market Intelligence Intern