We have the pleasure of inviting you to the tenth edition of the EuropaNova Festival, which will take place in Brussels and Incourt (Brabant Wallon) between September 22-26.
The Value of Language
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
- Digital transformation and the strategic importance of language technologies for my business. (Peter Van Den Steene, The Presence Group)
- Translation Technologies: An Ideal World? (Guillaume Deneufbourg, Creative Words)
- Limiting risk when purchasing translation services. (Agnès Feltkamp, Missing Link)
- Crowdfunding in the language industry: has the time come? (Paneldebat o.l.v. Christo Mercelis)
- Why finding the right translator helps get the best value for money. (Sonja Kitanovska Kimovska)
- Certificate of Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT): what is it and what is it worth? And how much value does it add to an applicant’s CV? (Sarah Smirnow, KU Leuven)
- How can I assess the quality of a translation in a language I do not speak? (Gert Van Assche, Datamundi)
- What level of knowledge and competence can and should we expect from junior translators? (Rita Roggen, Allemania)
- The anglicisation of higher education in the Netherlands. What is the best approach to translation work?
- The future of the translation industry. (Koen De Smet, Oneliner)
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