Virtual Global Careers Fair
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Event Description
Last year we ran our first Virtual Global Careers Fair; like a traditional careers fair but in the digital domain. We’ve shown that not only does the concept work in the same way as a ‘real’ careers fair – putting 2,600 mobile candidates together with 10 major international NGOs – but it put people from 134 countries in front of multi-national exhibitors offering global career opportunities… in a 48 hour period.
We think this proven concept is of exceptional value to anyone who would be, could be, or should be working in the public sector, and therefore anyone who wants to employ these people; and last year’s exhibitors agree. The International Committee for the Red Cross and UNICEF have already confirmed their attendance this year, following their successful appearances last year. The African Development Bank have also confirmed their attendance this year.
We want to put even more candidates in front of more international organisations. To help with this we’re making the whole platform more mobile... so it’s coming to desk-tops, lap-tops, and now iPads or tablets near you on May 2nd and 3rd.
Register for the event: www.globalcareersfair.com/siteUserRegistration.php?UserType=10
Keep up to date with event news: www.facebook.com/globalcareersfair