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Event Description
The Post-Brexit EU: A French-German View
Venue: Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union
28 September 2016, 12 – 2 pm
The decision of British voters to leave the European Union has reopened the debate on the future of the EU. This Lunch Debate asks what the future of the Union could look like; a future which is at the same time realistic and consistent with a French-German perspective. A unique survey conducted among the members of the Assemblée Nationale and the Deutsche Bundestag, whose results will be launched on that day, provides the empirical basis for the debate. On an introductory note, the newly appointed ZEW President, Professor Wambach, will outline the implications of the Brexit for the EU.
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Welcome Address
- Johannes Jung, Head of the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the EU
Introduction “Brexit: A Fractured Europe?”
- Achim Wambach
ZEW Presentation “The Post-Brexit EU: A French-German View. How French and German MPs Assess the Prospects of the EU. Results from a Survey.”
- Friedrich Heinemann, ZEW
- Pierre Boyer, École Polytechnique
- Sylvie Goulard, MEP
- Peter Simon, MEP
Panel Debate and Debate with the Audience
- F. Heinemann, P. Boyer, S. Goulard, P. Simon
- Moderation: A. Wambach
Achim Wambach has been ZEW President and professor of economics at the University of Mannheim since April 2016. His research concerns asymmetric information within markets, including auction and energy markets, as well as insurance and health markets. Wambach is Chairman of the German Monopolies Commission.
Friedrich Heinemann heads ZEW’s “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” Research Department and is professor of economics at Heidelberg University. His research addresses federalism and European integration issues. Heinemann is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Berlin Institute for European Politics (IEP).
Pierre Boyer is assistant professor of economics at École Polytechnique, Paris. His research interests include public economics, political economy of tax reforms, and banking regulation. He holds a PhD in economics from the Toulouse School of Economics and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
Sylvie Goulard has been Member of the European Parliament in the ALDE group since 2009 where she sits on the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON). After having graduated from Sciences Po and ENA, she worked as a diplomat in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as at the Conseil d’État.
Peter Simon is Member of the European Parliament in the S&D Group. He is vice-chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs as well as the S&D Group coordinator in the Panama Papers Inquiry Committee. Simon is a trained lawyer.
About the ZEW Lunch Debate Series
With our ZEW Lunch Debates we aim to encourage discussion on current economic challenges in Europe. They shed light on different aspects of the crisis that have a particular impact on economic growth, welfare, social inclusion, and quality of life. Events in this series provide a platform for controversial, open, and committed debate: a ZEW economist delivers an introductory statement, external experts give a response. The audience is invited to contribute their expertise.
Upcoming Lunch Debate
- Chances and Risks of a European Unemployment Benefit Scheme
- 20 October 2016
- For enquiries, get in touch with us at LunchDebates@zew.de
About ZEW
The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim is one of Germany’s leading economic research institutes and enjoys a strong reputation throughout Europe. The institute conducts research of the highest quality and provides sciencebased economic policy advice. ZEW is a member of the Leibniz Association and covers a broad spectrum of research areas, from innovation policy including ICT questions, to labour markets, to fiscal and monetary governance, to environmental economics and energy policy. In 2016, the institute celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union
Rue Belliard 60-62 · B-1040 Brussels
L7,1 · 68161 Mannheim
P.O.Box 103443 · 68034 Mannheim · Germany
Phone +49 621 1235-01 Fax +49 621 1235-255
Internet www.zew.eu
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