of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.

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Le World Impact Summit revient pour sa 5ème édition les 30 novembre et 1er décembre à Bordeaux !

Sommet international des solutions à impact positif, le WIS fêtera son 5ème anniversaire autour de l’innovation, au Palais des Congrès de Bordeaux avec toujours le même objectif : rassembler différents acteurs q

European Ideas Forum 2022

The European Ideas Forum returns this November!

2022 EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS | 29-30 November | Brussels, Belgium

Cerame-Unie - The European Ceramic Industry Association is pleased to invite you to attend the 2022 European Ceramic Days (22ECD), to be held on 

European Bioenergy Future 2022


A Just Energy Transition: Access to Energy as a Right, not a Privilege

Join SOLIDAR, Social Platform, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) for a roundtable discussion and reception!

Nextv CEO Europe

Nextv CEO Europe is an extension of our successful Nextv Series Europe, but with a different focus.

Web security in an insecure world: risks within the eIDAS revision

Join us for a breakfast event, that will bring together policy experts, policymakers and practitioners for insight and discussion on the latest EU policy developments in eIDAS.

Gender x Geopolitics: Shaping an Inclusive Foreign and Security Policy for Europe

At the Gender x Geopolitics conference, we will bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss the gender dimension in foreign and security policy, with a focus on representation and its reflection in policies....

Europe’s biggest mobility and transport research conference takes places in Lisbon

Portugal is hosting the 2022 edition of the Transport Research Arena, TRA, Europe's largest mobility and transport research and technology conference.

Events of the week