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EU deforestation law in doubt as Germany pushes for postponement [Advocacy Lab Content]

EURACTIV News - Tue, 2024-09-24 03:57
Calls for EUDR postponement has created confusion for companies over when, and if, they will have to comply. Lawmakers clashed this month over whether to stick with rigid enforcement of the EU’s new Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR).
Categories: EurActiv

Quantum needs more investment, better innovation recipe for growth [Advocacy Lab Content]

EURACTIV News - Tue, 2024-09-24 03:47
Leonardo Quattrucci believes quantum needs to be at the forefront of Europe’s thinking about new technologies in the next decade. It’s a question of leadership, ambition and investment in growth, but a new approach to innovation is needed too.
Categories: EurActiv

Pharma package improvements are needed, says Belgian medicines agency [Advocacy Lab Content]

EURACTIV News - Tue, 2024-09-24 03:38
The Belgian medicines agency, an important stakeholder in the revision of the European pharmaceutical legislation, is proposing improvements to the EU Pharma Package.
Categories: EurActiv

Bulgarian courts overturn healthcare’s spartan financial regulations [Advocacy Lab Content]

EURACTIV News - Tue, 2024-09-24 03:03
Two key decisions by Bulgarian courts have altered the hospital finance model, abolishing strict limits that often became an obstacle to providing quality medical care in one of the poorest EU countries.
Categories: EurActiv

Germany joins Italy to call for earlier revision of CO2 targets for cars

EURACTIV News - Mon, 2024-09-23 18:12
German Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) joined calls on Monday (23 September) for a quicker revision of the EU’s CO2 standards for cars after the Italian government and industry had previously pushed for such a move.
Categories: EurActiv


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EBA - European Biogas Association
Policy Assistant
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
Communications & Projects Intern
Bioenergy Europe
Certification Assistant
Hekla Communications
EU Advocacy Consultant
Social Economy Europe
Project Officer
EASE - European Association for Storage Of Energy
Policy Officer
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