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Advanced Production technologies for Circular Manufacturing


Thu, 05/23/2019 - 09:00 to 12:00


European Economic and Social Committee, Room TRE7701
Rue de Trèves 74
1000  Brussels


Sustainable Dev.

Event Location


Event Description

The European Association of the Machine Tool Industries and related Manufacturing Technologies, together with Technology Industries of Finland, would like to invite representatives of the media to cover our event titled “Advanced Production technologies for Circular Manufacturing”.
The event is organised in partnership with the 2019 EU Green Week and will take place on 23 May 2019, from 09.00 to 12.00 at the European Economic and Social Committee, Room TRE7701, Rue de Trèves 74, Brussels.
You will have a unique opportunity to hear speakers from the European Commission and the Finnish Permanent Representation, as well as from leading companies, about new technologies helping in delivering the circular economy.
Please find below the programme:
09:00 Registration of participants
09:30 Welcome speech
Tellervo Kylä-Harakka-Ruonala, Vice President Employer’s Group, European Economic and Social Committee
09:40 Priorities of the upcoming Finnish presidency of the Council of the EU
Janne Peltola, Counsellor (Competitiveness), Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU
09:50 Presentation of CECIMO report on the machine tool sector and the circular economy
Filip Geerts, Director General, CECIMO
09:55 Examples manufacturing technologies sector
Stefan Dahl, Head of Technology Unit Advanced Manufacturing, GF Machining Solutions
Philippe Reinders Folmer, General Manager, Renishaw Benelux
10:45 Panel discussion: How can new advanced manufacturing technologies support the circular economy?
Saïd El Khadraoui, European Political Strategy Centre
Erik de Zeeuw, Materialise
Cosmina Miu, Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of section Competitiveness Industry, Free movement of goods, Standards, Motor Vehicles, SMEs, Permanent representation of Romania to the EU
Ruben Dekker, DG Environment Policy Officer – Circular Economy
Juha Mäkitalo, Chairman, CECIMO Technical Committee
Monika Šimánková, CEO, Hestego
12:00 Conclusions
Click here to register. 
Find out more about the event by following us on Twitter or by using the Hashtags #EUGreenWeek or #CircularManufacturing.
We hope to see you there!
Best regards,

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