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Make mobility fit for the future - From roads to waterways


Tue, 03/20/2018 - 09:00


The Hotel
Boulevard de Waterloo 38
1000  Brussels


Sustainable Dev.

Event Location


Event Description

Global and local targets linked to greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and air quality improvement are the main challenges that will influence the future of the transportation system. Decarbonising transport will be instrumental in achieving the EU’s ambitious climate goals.
Developments in the area of transport are already introducing a new complex system, in which internal combustion engines and electric motors coexist, both supported by a blend of conventional and alternative fuels, with renewable fuels playing an increasingly important role. Natural gas is an essential element in for future low-carbon mobility: clean combustion, low CO2 emissions, mature technology, availability and low fuel cost are key factors to boost the role of natural gas in both road transport and shipping.
This year’s Eurogas Annual Conference will address sustainable transport, discussing the various options, their pros and cons, and the political framework needed to achieve an efficient low-carbon transport system.
This half-day conference is divided into two panels:
  • Panel 1: Sustainable fuels – Many options, much potential
  • Panel 2: How to make it happen – Which political and legislative framework?
If you care about Europe’s energy future, join us for this interesting and engaging debate.
The Eurogas Annual Conference will take place in cooperation with NGVA (the Natural & bio Gas Vehicle Association) Europe.


Events of the week


Hanbury Strategy
Public Affairs Director
EPPA - The European Trade Association of PVC Window System Suppliers
EU Advocacy Intern
European Branded Clothing Association
Public Affairs / Officer (Trade)
European University Institute (EUI)
Spanish for Academic Purposes Teacher
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
INTERNSHIP – Policy intern