Competitive Dialogue and Negotiated Procedures Master Class
Event Type
Organiser type
Event Location
Event Description
Target group
This Master Class is aimed at policy makers, public officials from national and sub-national administrations and contracting authorities (and their professional advisers) in EU Member States, candidate countries and beyond, from European institutions and organisations and from international organisations based in the EU.
Negotiated procedures have been available as award procedures in defined exceptional circumstances for many years. Competitive dialogue was created as a special procedure by the 2004 Public Procurement Directives to provide a more flexible solution for public authorities wanting to award particularly complex contracts.
But there are many practical questions about the effective implementation of these procedures e.g. Is competitive dialogue a better procurement route than the restricted procedure or the negotiated procedure with prior publication? What does the public sector need to do to plan the effective use of these procedures? How can the public sector best use the flexibility which the procedures provide?
Not all methods of using negotiated procedures and competitive dialogue have so far been equally effective in promoting value for money for the public sector and objective advice on when and how to use these procedures is hard to find.
This Master Class will give you the opportunity to get advice on your specific issues from our experts and to share the experience of others in the public sector.
Learning methodology
Presentations and exchange of experiences. Participant numbers are limited to maximum 18 to facilitate discussion and maximise learning benefits.
Master Classes are intended for public officials and their professional advisers with a good understanding of public procurement issues aiming to improve knowledge/skills in negotiated procedures and competitive dialogue and to discuss practical issues relevant to procurements in progress/about to be launched.
Related Events
This is a self-standing ‘immersion’ course. It is also a suitable basis for participation in the specialised courses offered by EIPA on particular aspects of EU decision-making.
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Target group
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The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht offers a regular series of courses on "Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice".
The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht would like to announce the following upcoming seminar “Implementation of Environmental Legislation: How to Avoid Infringements, Court Cases and Financial Penalties”.
The Department of International Health is organising in collaboration with renowned partners a conference entitled European Public Health. 20 years of the Maastricht Treaty – Turning past experiences into visions on 22 & 23 May 2013 in Maastricht.
The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht offers a regular series of courses on "Working with Impact Assessment in the European Union”.
The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht offers a regular series of courses on "Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice".
The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht offers a regular series of courses on "Europe on the Internet: Finding your Way through the European Information Jungle".
The CAF Resource Centre at EIPA organises a seminar on “Leadership in the Context of Total Quality Management”.
It will take place in Maastricht (NL) on 11-12 December 2012.
Although EU citizenship facilitates the free movement of citizens within the European Union, people are still faced with barriers when they decide to live or work in a Member State other than the one of their own nationality.