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EEA Law for (Non-) Lawyers Tutorial: The Interaction between the European Union Law and EEA Law


06 Oct 2016 to 07 Oct 2016

Event Type

S - Workshop, course


Science & Policymaking

Event Location


Event Description

Target group
Officials and specialists in the national and local administrations of EFTA countries and EU Member States, whose work is affected – directly or indirectly – by European Union legislation, e.g. by participation in EU law-making or in EFTA sub-committees or involvement in law approximation or application of national laws derived from EU/EEA law.

The body of European law extends to the European Economic Area (EEA), shaping policies and legislation of EEA countries, most prominently in relation to internal market and free movement freedoms. As a consequence, regulatory and enforcement practices of national and local governmental bodies in the EEA countries have to be adapted accordingly to respect the requirements of the European law. 

This tutorial allows participants to gain practical understanding of the interaction between EU and EEA law as well as promotes best practices that ensure correct implementation and enforcement of EEA legal acts stemming from EU Directives and Regulations. 

While the first module reviews the main characteristics and legal effect of EU/EEA acts, the second module takes a practical approach and focuses on the law implementation and enforcement and respective responsibilities and competences of the EFTA EEA Countries, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA Court.

Also the special position and agreements with the EU of Switzerland are explained. 

Learning methodology
The programme involves short presentations as well as discussions and interactive sessions facilitated by EIPA specialists and EFTA expert practitioners, and it is designed for small groups of participants, allowing for adjustment to specific participants’ needs. Interactive parts of the training such as case-studies, group work and discussions put the knowledge gained by the participants into a practical context to demonstrate the relevance and consequences of the EU rules for their daily work. This seminar also puts particular emphasis on offering networking and exchange opportunities as a result of interaction between the participants.

At the end of this seminar, participants will
• have a practical understanding of the interaction between EU and EEA law;
• have a sound understanding of the obligations of the EFTA EEA-Countries when applying the EU rules with EEA relevance and of the enforcement hereof by the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA court; and
• recognise the key characteristic features of these two legal systems and be able to work with the legal acts adopted under these systems.


Aboca SpA Società Agricola
Public Affairs Manager
Fuels Europe
EU Affairs Trainee
Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Research Fellowship in artificial systems in Neuroscience
Consultant - Analyst
Public Power Corporation Belgium
Policy Officer
European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)
Communications Manager
Energy Policy Intern
Strago Healthcare
Multiple Consultant Roles