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Precarious work and lack of access to social rights: The particular case of fixed-term contracts


Tue, 03/05/2019 - 10:00 to 15:00


European Economic and Social Committee
VMA 3, Rue van Maerlant 2


Social Europe & Jobs

Event Location


Event Description

CESI in cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee & the Romanian Council Presidency (tbc)
‘Precarious work and lack of access to social rights: The particular case of fixed-term contracts’
Tuesday, March 5 2019 – 10.00 to 15.00
Light lunch 12.00-13.30
European Economic and Social Committee (room VMA 3), Rue van Maerlant 2, 1000 Brussels
The current initiatives under the Pillar of Social Rights show an increased determination to fight precarious work and improve access to social rights. In particular, the recent proposals on access to social protection, transparent and predictable working conditions and better work-life balance point undoubtedly into the right direction.
However, more reflection is needed to fully understand the link between precarious work and the lack of access to employment protection and labour law, interest representation and social protection. Many workers find themselves in a catch-22 situation, accepting any kind of atypical form of employment in order to avoid the downsides of unemployment, yet risking to end up having even less access to social rights by choosing this ‘compromise’.
The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (to be confirmed) invite you to a stimulating discussion on the impact of precarious work on access to social rights.
The event also aims at responding in particular to the concerns of various trade union representatives from all over Europe faced with the particularity of precariousness at work in the form of (repeated) fixed-term contracts.
Opening – 10.00
Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Marie Lagarrigue, Deputy Head of Unit, Unit EMPL.B2., Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Javi López, Member of the European Parliament (S&D, ES) (tbc)
NN, Representative of the Romanian Presidency
10.30-12.00 – Panel : The link between precarious work and the absence of social rights: Type of gaps and interplays
Christian Moos, Divisional Director of European and International Affairs, German Federation of Civil Servants (DBB, DE), Member of the EESC
Lucie Davoine, Policy Officer, European Commission
Laura Agea, Member of the European Parliament (Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group, IT)
NN, Representative of the Romanian Presidency
Marcello Pacifico, President of the Professional Trade Union Association (ANIEF, IT)
Matthäus Fandrejewski, CESI Youth Representative
12.00-13.30 – Light lunch & coffee break
13.30-15.00 – Panel 2: Concrete proposals for improving protection, security and social and economic stability 
Franca Salis Madinier, Member of the Workers’ Group, EESC
Adam Pokorny, Head of Unit, European Commission (tbc)
Dimítrios Papadimoúlis, Vice President of the European Parliament (Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left, EL)
NN, Representative of the Romanian Presidency
Javier Jordan de Urries Sagarna, Independent Trade Union of Civil Servants (CSIF, ES)
Dennis Pennel, Managing Director, World Employment Confederation (tbc)
Moderator: Pierre Baussand, Head of the Brussels Liaison Office, Eurofound
Conclusions:Klaus Heeger, Secretary General, CESI

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