Reusable packaging in Europe: Boosting Business and Closing the Loop
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Event Description
The European Association of Beverage Wholesalers (CEGROBB), the Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe), the Association of Small and Independent Breweries in Europe (S.I.B.) and Reloop are pleased to invite you to the 6th European ReUse-Conference »Reusable packaging in Europe: Boosting business and closing the loop« on March 23rd, 2017 in Brussels. With Malta currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU and leading the discussions on the draft EU waste legislation in the Council, we are honoured to welcome Jose A. Herrera, Maltese Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change as our keynote speaker.
Along the political pathway of the circular economy package, the ReUse conference takes place in the context of the recent vote of the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) on its draft reports on the four legislative proposals on waste tabled by the European Commission in December 2015, and the upcoming EP plenary vote on these reports expected in mid-March. 2017 sets the course for a future European waste policy and we would like to contribute to the strengthening and integration of the reuse principle in the EU policy with the ReUse conference.
The conference focuses on refillable beverages packaging as well as on reusable transport packaging. Both sectors bear great potential for environmentally conscious product design and supply chain management that contributes to significant prevention and a vibrant circular economy. In this regard, we will discuss relevant issues around data quality measurements and methodologies for target monitoring as well as the political framework conditions to further promote reuse packaging systems in Europe.
We would like to invite you to discuss these topics and the potentials of reuse packaging systems with our expert speakers and participants from the refillable beverage industry, the reusable transport packaging industry, NGOs, as well as members from the European institutions and Member States. Moreover, one company will be honored with the 6th European Refillables Award for their efforts in strengthening the reusable system.
Please register for this conference by March 13th 2017 by E-mail: info@cegrobb.org or Fax: +32 2 4103 545.
We are looking forward to welcome you at the ReUse 2017!
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