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Supporting survivorship: Life after diagnosis and post-treatment care of head and neck cancer patients


Mon, 09/18/2017


European Parliament, Member’s Salon, ASP Floor 0
Rue Wiertz 60
1047  Brussels


Health & Consumers

Event Location


Event Description


Supporting survivorship: Life after diagnosis and post-treatment care of head and neck cancer patients

Lunch event organised by the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) and hosted by MEP Lieve Wierinck (ALDE, Belgium)


18th September 2017

12.00 – 14.00


European Parliament, Member’s Salon, ASP Floor 0 Rue Wiertz 60 – Brussels


On Monday 18th September, 2017, ECPC will host a lunch event at the European Parliament to promote better quality of life for cancer patients and survivors, as well as raising awareness of these cancers and calling for prevention, earlier diagnosis and timely treatment.

The event will gather top experts in the field of public health and patient representatives, who will open a holistic debate on next steps towards supporting survivorship.


Register online before 8th September


12.00–12.10: Welcome

  • MEP Lieve Wierinck, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE), Belgium

12.10–12.20: Introductory remarks and ECPC involvement in supporting survivorship of head and neck cancer patients

  • Jana Pelouchova, ECPC Board Member

12.20–12.45: Life after diagnosis: My journey
     Patients’ testimonies:

  • Anke Steinbacher, Germany
  • Magali Mertens, Vie&Cancer, Belgium

     Moderator: Dr Lydia Makaroff, ECPC Director

12.45–13.00: A physician's perspective: Importance of early diagnosis and a multidisciplinary approach to patient care

  • Dr Lisa Licitra, European Head and Neck Society, Chief of the Head and Neck Cancer Medical Oncology Unit and Head & Neck Research Program at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori in Milan, Italy, Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, University of Milan

13.00–13.15: ECPC/ESMO Guidelines on Survivorship

  • Dr Stefan Rauh, Chair of the ESMO Practicing Oncologists’ Committee

13.15–13.30: Prevention and survivorship: European Union initiatives on head and neck cancers

  • Antoni Montserrat Moliner, Senior Expert for Cancer and Rare Diseases, Directorate of Public Health, European Commission

13.30–13.50: Discussion and questions from the audience

13.50–14.00: Closing remarks

  • Jana Pelouchova, ECPC
  • MEP Lieve Wierinck, ALDE 


Head and neck cancer is the 7th most common type of cancer in Europe with more than 150,000 new patients diagnosed every year. There is still little awareness of this type of cancer among the public, with many cases diagnosed at late stage.
Head and neck cancer not only alters the appearance and the personal functions of people with cancer, but it forces patients to reconsider their outlook on life, role within a family, professional and personal lives and their future. Moreover, even for a survivor, the ongoing effects of the disease have overpowering psychological and physical consequences.

The theme for the 2017 Make Sense Campaign is Supporting Survivorship, and its activities will focus on improving the lives of head & neck cancer survivors, helping them to ‘live better, live longer’.

As such, the Make Sense campaign team is bringing the fight to the European level, by presenting to the European Parliament the specific needs, issues, and challenges of head and neck cancer survivors. 


Register online before 8th September

For more information, please contact

ECPC gratefully acknowledges the support of Merck in organising this event. The Make Sense campaign is supported by Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim and Norgine


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