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Target Youth: Mobile & Safe
Event Location
Event Description
Debate on Youth and Road Safety What? Registration is now open for a debate on youth and road safety on 12 November between 12 and 3pm in the auditorium of the Royal Art and History Museum in the Cinquantenaire Park in Brussels.
The debate will focus on how young people are affected by road safety. This event is being jointly organised and hosted by Our Future Mobility Now (OFMN) and the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). Why? Over the last 30 years, Europe’s roads have become far safer despite a three-fold increase in traffic. However, there is still much to be done to further improve the situation, particularly with regards to educating and protecting young people, one the most vulnerable categories of road user.
The debate will address three key topics: Attitudes and awareness: How to connect with young people? Driving skills and experience: How to make an impact? Assisting the driver: How can technology help? Who? A panel of policy makers, drivers' representatives, road safety experts and activists will discuss how young people are affected by road safety issues, and explore what more can be done to help these vulnerable road users.
To find out more about who will be there, check out www.futuremobilitynow.com When & Where? Auditorium of the Royal Museum of Art and History, Cinquantenaire Park, Brussels. 12 November 2013 12.00-13.00: Lunch and registration 13.00-15.00: Panel debate
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10:00 Welcome coffee
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