There is Life After Cancer
Event Description
On 9 June, 11:00 AM, the European Cancer Patient Coalition will be organising an online event entitled “There is Life after Cancer: Putting an end to the discrimination” which will raise awareness of the various issues affecting the lives of patients’ after cancer by stressing the importance of a European approach to cancer survivorship care as a key strategy to promote equal access and non-discrimination as well as long-term follow up for healthcare matters and social inclusion.
The online event will have a special focus on the ECPC’s project on the “Right to be Forgotten for Cancer Survivors”. This specific project has been named as one of the European Commission’s priorities in the Beating Cancer Plan and is operating under the supervision of Dr. Françoise Meunier, a member of the ECPC’s Scientific Committee and the Chair of the Cancer Survivorship Committee of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences (EACS).