MEP Miroslav Poche (S&D), Czech Republic, has the pleasure to invite you to the:
Worskhop on Methodology for Flexibility Needs Assessments
The Electricity Market Design requires Member States to take the next step to succeed in the energy transition: assess their flexibility needs.
To this end, the methodology applied to these assessments will be essential to their success. Its design carries many challenges & opportunities, and has to be finalised within a short deadline.
By June 2025, the methodology has to be developed by ENTSO-E and the EU DSO entity and reviewed by ACER.
Then, all Member States will implement the same EU methodology to produce a flexibility needs assessment report and interpret these results to set their non-fossil flexibility targets.
The Energy Storage Coalition workshop will create the space for an interactive discussion between the entities involved in this process, the European Commission, academics, and industry experts.
Together, we will exchange views on how this methodology could be shaped to ensure it is future-proof and supports the appropriate deployment of energy storage technologies and renewables.
MEP Miroslav Poche (S&D), Czech Republic, has the pleasure to invite you to the:
All TSOs are developing common methodologies for the calculation of Scheduled Exchanges’ resulting from single Day-ahead
All stakeholders with an interest in EU energy policy are invited on 21 June to a high level workshop hosted by Cefic - the EU chemicals industry - at the Brussels Press Club on “
See the highlight video of this event at this link, and read our related story: "