of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.

Bertelsmann Stiftung

Events from this company

You are cordially invited to attend the official launch of the 'Hearts and Minds for Europe' website. The event will take place on 23 April 2014 at 1.00 pm at the Committee of the Regions, room 51, Jacques Delors building, Rue Belliard 99-102, 1040 Brussels.

The free movement of workers, while being one of the EU’s key success stories, remains the topic of heated debates.

New Constitution for Tunisia – Motor for Democracy and Employment? A Role Model for the Arab World? What are the implications for the European Transformation Partnership?

War, conflict, and crisis define our picture of the Arabellion.

Inequality is on the rise across Europe in the wake of the euro crisis. On May 23rd, the Pew Research Center is going to release the results of its new 39 countries survey, including 8 European Union nations.

The Europe 2020 Strategy emphasises the role of corporate responsibility (CR) as leverage to increase trust in business and promote inclusive and sustainable growth. In the “Renewed Strategy for CSR” from 2011, the European Commission aims at increasing the impact of its CR policy.

Brussels Think Tank Dialogue – State of the Union 2013

Federalism or Fragmentation: Spelling out Europe’s F-Word

DRAFT AGENDA (as of 30/01/2013)


“Understanding Corruption in the EU: the Policy Dimension”

in the European Parliament (P7C050),

Entrance Altiero Spinelli side Place Luxembourg

Towards a European Democracy:
Isabelle DURANT, Sylvie GOULARD, Andrew DUFF, Jo LEINEN,

Events of the week


Communications Intern
Sales Executive
ECA - European Cockpit Association
Junior Aviation Safety Coordinator
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Digital & Competitiveness Policy Internship
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Energy & Environment Policy Internship
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Director
AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
Communications Assistant