Annual Round Table on the Future of Direct Selling
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Event Description
The Annual Round Table on the Future of Direct Selling is the flagship event for the direct selling industry in Europe. The third edition of this European event allows for the leaders and experts, as well as for interested parties to meet, network and to gather intelligence about the latest commercial and regulatory developments in this vibrant industry.
The event is organized by Seldia, the European Direct Selling Association.
Seldia is a Brussels based European Trade Association representing the direct selling industry in Europe. Seldia membership includes 16 Corporate Member companies and 27 national Direct Selling Associations (DSAs) through which indirectly it also represents over 1,000 direct selling businesses. The annual turnover of the industry in Europe amounts to over 17.8 billion Euro and includes 11 million active, independent, direct sellers working with those businesses. Direct selling is a business model that offers entrepreneurial opportunities to individuals as independent contractors to market and/or sell products and services, typically outside of a fixed retail establishment, through one-to-one selling, in-home product demonstrations or online. Compensation is ultimately based on sales and may be earned based on personal sales and/or the sales of others in their sales organizations.
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