Design the electricity market(s) of the future
Event Location
Event Description
07 June 2017
Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 Brussels, Belgium
How will the European electricity market develop and function in the future? This is a key question for all stakeholders of the European energy system: energy companies, consumers, policy makers, academics and energy regulators.
The European energy system is facing profound changes whilst it transitions to a decarbonised power system and it leaves behind its heritage of large-scale fossil-fuelled generation units and passive consumers.
Nowadays stakeholders are confronted with the deployment of decentralised renewable generation which progressively reduces the sector’s carbon footprint, and the empowering of the energy customer through demand response and storage solutions.
The structure of the electricity market will not only have to adapt to these changes but try to anticipate them and be prepared to conceive and adopt innovative business models.
EURELECTRIC in partnership with The Florence School of Regulation is seeking to open the debate and gather innovative visions for the functioning of a decarbonised electricity market.
Following our call for contributions, we invite you to save in your agenda the date of 7 June 2017. After a plenary session, the best contributors will be invited to present their work in interactive workshops organised by theme. The main points of the discussions will then be summed up after lunch by experts of the industry and the institutions.
For more information on the project, please visit the dedicated website here.
On Twitter: use the hashtag #MarketDesign2050
Registration fees
- Full Registration Fee - 205,00 EUR
- Members Registration Fee* - 165,00 EUR
- Reduced Registration Fee** - 125,00 EUR
All fees are subject to 21% VAT.
Please note that registrations will only be accepted via the online form, registrations sent via email will not be taken into consideration.
Full Registration Fee: For all non EURELECTRIC members
*Members Registration Fee: For all National Association members (incl. their members), Affiliate Members & Business Associate Members.
**Reduced Fee: For Candidate Countries (Turkey, Serbia & the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).
EU & Government Officials (Commission, Parliament, Council & Perm Rep), Academics, Contributors and Journalists* are welcome to participate free of charge to the conference.
*Journalists working for media outlets or freelance may be requested to present their press badge at the event.
Cancellation policy: Cancellations can be made without charge until 01 June, cancellations after this date are non refundable but a replacement can be sent.
For all cancellations or replacements please contact Emily O'Leary (eoleary@eurelectric.org).
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