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EU Law for Non-Lawyers


23 Oct 2013 12:00

Event Type

M - Seminar, presentation

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Justice & Home Affairs

Event Location


Event Description

The body of national law derived from EU directives and regulations expands into all areas of government and officials in both national and EU administrative bodies play an increasingly active role as administrators and enforcers of EU law. Therefore, they need sufficient understanding of EU law to avoid actions incompatible with EU rules, leading to compensation claims against them and their authority. On the other hand, EU regulatory affairs professionals from business and professional associations are required to possess good knowledge of EU legislative framework in order to actively influence the EU law-making process.

This series of tutorials will provide a concentrated, in-depth introduction into the most important rules of EU law. It is divided into 2 modules, starting with the EU legislative framework and the decision-making process between EU institutions, moving to the EU law implementation at EU level under the new comitology procedure, and ending with practical case-studies on EU law implementation. Case-studies and the workshop should enable participants to recognise legal acts and apply the EU rules in practice.


Aboca SpA Società Agricola
Public Affairs Manager
Fuels Europe
EU Affairs Trainee
Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Research Fellowship in artificial systems in Neuroscience
Consultant - Analyst
Public Power Corporation Belgium
Policy Officer
European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)
Communications Manager
Energy Policy Intern
Strago Healthcare
Multiple Consultant Roles