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European Defence and Security Procurement


11 Dec 2017 to 12 Dec 2017


European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
O.L. Vrouweplein 22
6211 HE  Maastricht


Global Europe

Event Location


Event Description

This seminar will give you insight into the provisions and application of the defence and security procurement directive and the wider debate and initiatives towards closer defence and security cooperation and their impact on procurement.

Enormous policy strides have been made in the last year to strengthen EU cooperation on security and defence. One session of this seminar will examine the context and nature of the various initiatives that will serve as a platform for the ensuing discussion on defence procurement. As the evaluation report from last year on the Defence and Security Directive 2009/81/EC has demonstrated, there is still need for guidance and improvement as to the effective implementation and application of the directive. The focus of this seminar will be the interpretation and practical effects of the directive and experts in the field will present these topics in an accessible way. Other issues that will be discussed include:

  • The interaction of the directive and Article 346 TFEU
  • The objective of a more efficient and competitive defence and security sector through the phasing out of offsets and the close monitoring of the procurement rules
  • The new initiatives towards closer security and defence cooperation will be further explained by representatives from industry and the European Defence Agency (EDA)

How will it help you?
At the end of this seminar you should have a good understanding of:

  • The regime for defence and security procurement at European level
  • The application of the directive on defence and security procurement (Directive 2009/81/EC) and its practical implications
  • The wider initiatives in the field of defence and security cooperation having an impact on defence procurement

Who will benefit most?
The seminar is intended for public officials from the EU Member States, candidate countries, representatives from European organisations and bodies, who would like to familiarise themselves with the specific procurement rules in the defence and security sector and the new initiatives in the field of defence and security cooperation. The seminar should also be of interest to industry and service providers in this sector, as well as to academics, lawyers and other people working in this field. The seminar will provide a unique platform for sharing experiences.