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Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice - A blended learning package


12 Oct 2017 to 13 Oct 2017


European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
O.L. Vrouweplein 22
6211 HE  Maastricht


Global Europe

Event Location


Event Description

What is this course about? 
This is an advanced introduction into how decisions are taken in the European Union, designed for people who need to get quickly up to speed and operate effectively in an EU environment. 

How will it help you?
The course reviews the essential elements that everyone needs to know: the different powers that have been given to the EU, the basic competences of the various institutions, and the main instruments and procedures that are involved. It goes through the different stages in legislative procedures. The elaboration of a Commission proposal is presented, with emphasis on public consultation and impact assessment. The course explains how a legislative proposal is then dealt with in the European Parliament and the Council, and the ordinary legislative procedure is illustrated by a case study. The final session reviews the system of delegated acts and implementing acts which are adopted at EU level in order to adapt or apply legislative acts.

The course includes a group exercise as well as a role play, and uses multiple examples and real life cases. It is also part of a blended learning package. Participants are sent a set of concise preparatory materials in advance to allow them to take full advantage of the course. In order to help retain and deepen the knowledge acquired afterwards, participants receive a copy of Edward Best’s 2016 book Understanding EU Decision-Making, published by Springer with the support of the EU Publications Office, as well as enjoying access to an online platform.



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The European Landowners Organization
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European Cyclists Federation
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