Launch of the EASAC policy report on “Valuing Dedicated Storage in Electricity Grids”
Event Location
Event Description
You are invited to the
Launch of the EASAC policy report on
“Valuing Dedicated Storage in Electricity Grids”
Monday 19 June 2017, 12:00 – 14:30,
Palace of the Academies, Rue Ducale 1, Brussels
Large scale electricity storage is making a come-back because it can contribute to the flexibility which is needed by system operators to manage the increasing penetration of variable renewable electricity generation on the grid. At the same time, the interest of householders in small scale storage for self-consumption has already led to more than 40,000 small household PV plus battery systems being installed in Europe since 2013, mainly in Germany.
EASAC’s team of scientists nominated by Europe’s 28 national science academies has been working for two years to develop an independent view for EU policy makers of the value of dedicated storage on electricity grids from a scientific perspective. Their report concludes that the value of storage is system dependent and that it can contribute to balancing, reserves, capacity and generation adequacy as well as congestion management. However, in electricity markets, it must compete with flexible generation, demand response, interconnections, and curtailment.
Draft Programme:
[12:00 light lunch available]
12:20 Welcome to the Academy
Prof William D’haeseleer, Member of the Royal Academy KVAB
12:25 Introduction to EASAC by Prof. Eva-Mari Aro, Vice President of EASAC
12:30 The working process and scientific findings of the project
Prof Mark O’Malley, University College Dublin, Ireland (Working Group Chair)
12:50 Comments and response from the European Commission DG Energy,
Tudor Constantinescu, Principal Adviser to the Director General, DG Energy
13:00 Comments and response from the European Parliament
Claude Turmes, MEP
13:10 Panel discussion chaired by William Gillett, Director of EASAC energy programme
- Frauke Thies, Sustainable Energy Demand Coalition (SEDC)
- Patrick Clerens, European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE)
- Paul Giesbertz, European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET)
- Laurent Schmitt, European network of transmission system operators for electricity (ENTSO-E)
- Andrew Ebrill, Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER)
13:45 Open discussion of the panel with the audience
14:15 Closing remarks
Maria da Graça Carvalho, European Commission
14:20 Networking coffee
14:30 End of Event
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