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Limiting Global Warming to 2°C: Can Europe and the United States Keep the Climate Window Open?


12 Jun 2013 22:00


Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Boulevard de l'Empereur 2


Climate & Environment

Event Location


Event Description

The German Marshall Fund of the United States is pleased to invite you to a discussion on the opportunities for Europe and the United States to lead international efforts to avoid climate change. This event will feature the launch of the new World Energy Outlook Special Report by the International Energy Agency, “Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map.”

In 2010, governments confirmed in the Cancun Agreement that emissions should be reduced to avoid a rise in global average temperature of more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. But although there have been some positive trends in recent years, including a fall in emissions from the United States, the world is on track for potentially catastrophic climate change.

The energy sector plays a critical role. The IEA has calculated in its flagship publication World Energy Outlook that emissions from the energy sector, the largest source of global emissions of carbon dioxide emissions, are increasing so quickly that we only have until 2017 before all the emissions allowable under a 2°C trajectory are locked in by existing energy infrastructure. The IEA’s new World Energy Outlook special report sets out four specific measures for the energy sector that can be quickly and effectively implemented, at no net economic cost, to help keep the 2°C target alive while international negotiations continue. This event will highlight the measures that the European Union and the United States can take to lead this global effort.

To register, or if you would like further information about this event, please contact Simon Tosserams:


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