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Leadership in the Context of Total Quality Management


10 Dec 2012 23:00 to 11 Dec 2012 23:00



Event Type

M - Seminar, presentation

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


EU Priorities 2020

Event Location


Event Description

The CAF Resource Centre at EIPA organises a seminar on “Leadership in the Context of Total Quality Management”.

It will take place in Maastricht (NL) on 11-12 December 2012.

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a total quality management (TQM) tool specifically designed for the development of TQM in public sector organisations, starting with a self-assessment of organisational performance, leading to an effective improvement plan which – step by step – brings the organisation to the maturity level of Excellence.

The first criterion of the CAF focuses on how leaders in a European public sector organisation should provide direction for the organisation: by developing the mission, vision and values required for its long-term success; by developing, implementing and monitoring the organisation’s management system; by motivating and supporting people in the organisation; and by managing relationships with all stakeholders in general and the political level in particular.

This seminar will highlight and analyse the specific features of good leadership in the public sector and the impact of good leadership on the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation, cross-connecting leadership with the other CAF criteria.


Full information package available on request.

For more information, please contact Ms Ann Stoffels, Programme Organiser (tel.: +31.43.3296317, e-mail: or visit our web site: 



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