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High-Level Conference on Energy and Climate


18 Jun 2013 22:00


Cercle de Lorraine, Place Poelaert 6

Event Type

L - Conference, forum


Climate & Environment

Event Location


Event Description

On 19 June, the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE), the voice of the HVACR industry, is hosting a High-Level Conference on Energy and Climate.

The conference starts at 14.30 and ends at 18.00.

The conference will consist of two panels on the following themes:

  • Where will the world be in 2030? Global perspectives on energy and climate politics.
  • The world in 2030 - the practical outlook.


Draft programme

14.30-16.00 - PANEL ONE: where will the world be in 2030? Global perspectives on energy and climate politics

  •  Introduction by Andrea Voigt (EPEE) - CONFIRMED
  •  Moderated by a journalist: Barbara Lewis (Reuters) - CONFIRMED
  •  Speakers:

1. The world in 2030: the role of energy by Tom Brookes (European Climate Foundation) - CONFIRMED
2. Member State perspective – Germany and its energy transition “era” by Professor Dr. Peter Hennicke (Wuppertal Institut) - CONFIRMED
3. Industry perspective – What place in 2030 for energy intensive industries? By the European Aluminium Association (EAA) - TBC
4. Emerging country perspective – Turkey and its strategic energy position by Sinan Ertay (Turkish Mission to the EU) – TBC
5. Global climate – The role of the United States by Dale Eppler (US Mission to the EU) - CONFIRMED

16.30-18.00 - PANEL TWO: The world in 2030 - practical outlook
1. Moderated by a journalist: Sonya van Renssen (Freelance) – CONFIRMED
2. Industry - Can “nearly Zero Energy Buildings” be achieved? By Kurt Emil Eriksen from the Alliance for Active House - CONFIRMED
3. Architecture - Sustainable buildings – By Michael Pawlyn from Exploration – CONFIRMED
4. European Commission - EU climate and energy policies in 2030: what opportunities for the industry? By Paul Hodson from European Commission (DG ENER) - CONFIRMED

The conference will be followed by a dinner on the same theme, and the keynote speaker will be Ambassador Arūnas Vinčiūnas, Deputy Permanent Representative , Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the EU - CONFIRMED


The conference will take place at Cercle de Lorraine, Place Poelaert 6, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

To register, please fill out the pre-registration form here.

Should you have any questions about the event, please contact the EPEE Secretariat.




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