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EU banking union legislation to be voted in EP


29 Nov 2012 07:00


Member's restaurant, PHS 0G275, European Parliament

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


EU Priorities 2020
Euro & Finance

Event Location


Event Description

Press breakfast

EU banking union legislation to be voted in EP


When: Thursday, 29 November - 8.00 (a.m.)

Where: Member's restaurant, PHS 0G275, European Parliament, Brussels

With: European Parliament drafstperson/rapporteur Sven Giegold (Green MEP, Germany)

The European Parliament economic and monetary affairs committee will vote its position on draft EU legislation on banking supervision - part of the planned EU banking union. The banking supervision legislation comprises a regulation conferring supervisory powers to the European Central Bank and a regulation to amend the competences of the European Banking Authority. The European Parliament is a co-legislator on the files.

This press briefing, hosted by Sven Giegold (draftsperson on the EBA regulation) will detail the compromises to be voted and the latest developments in negotiations on the legislation - the briefing will take place in English.

Please respond to this email to confirm your attendance by Wednesday (28 November) at 14.00 at the latest (press only).

Richard More O'Ferrall,
Press and media officer,
Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament
Mobile: +32-477-443842 - Ph. +32-22841669 (Brussels); +33-388174042


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