60 Years after the signing of the Rome Treaty, Europe is not a pretty sight. The UK is leaving after a guest performance of 44 years; populism and Euroscepticism prevail in many Member States; the days of an ‘ever closer union’ seem to be numbered.
Has the Arab Spring failed ? Is Europe conspicuously absent ? (registration)
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10.04.2013 - 18:00 > 20:00 European Parliament PHS 3C50
- Néguib Chebbi, Leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (Tunisia)
- Mahmud Gebril, Interim prime minister of Libya during the civil war and former chairman of the National Transition Council.
- Awn Khasawneh, Former prime minister of Jordan
- Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Spinelli MEP, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group
- Guy Verhofstadt, Spinelli MEP, President of the ALDE Group
- Isabelle Durant, Spinelli MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament
The EU was taken by surprise when the Arab world awoke, as demonstrated by the uncoordinated national responses rather than a European response. This situation highlights the need for a better structured and more focused EU policy approach in order to participate to the emergence of a more stable and democratic Arab world.
Today the Arab world’s new political elites are facing the double challenge of satisfying popular pressure for democratic governance and an economic and social crisis. Have the Arab Spring protests calling for democracy and economic justice, just come and gone?
L’UE a été prise de court lorsque le monde Arabe s’est réveillé, comme en témoignent les réponses nationales non coordonnées exprimées à Bruxelles. Cette situation met en avant la nécessité d’une approche politique européenne plus structurée et ciblée afin de participer à l’émergence d’un Monde Arabe plus stable et démocratique
Aujourd’hui les nouvelles élites politiques du Monde Arabe font face au double défit de satisfaire les pressions populaires pour une gouvernance démocratique et une crise sociale et économique.
Les mobilisations du Printemps Arabe appelant pour plus de démocratie et de justice économique sont elles disparues comme elles sont apparues ?
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More information & registration page will be online soon.
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