Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin
Jens Althoff, Büroleiter, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Paris
The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law invites all communication professionals working with social media for the public sector to register to this advanced seminar: Optimising Social Media for Public Administrations and Institutions. The seminar is taking place in Berlin from 28th to 29th August 2014.
There are still challenges that communication professionals face in their daily use of social media: content management, cooperation with other departments, long term planning and last but not least effectiveness and measurability of outcomes.
This advanced communication seminar will put clear focus on
And will provide practical solutions for communication experts dealing with social media in public institutions for their daily work. High level experts will address the common pitfalls and show new creative ways how to handle them in practice. The training will help participants to bring their institution on a higher level of communication. The practical solutions that participants will receive at this event are based on the experience of acknowledged international social media gurus:
Further details and the registration form are available here: http://bit.ly/berlinsocialmedia.
Der sozialliberale Proeuropäer Emmanuel Macron hat die französischen Präsidentschaftswahlen gewonnen. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Fünften Republik war keine Vertreterin bzw. kein Vertreter der traditionellen Parteien in der Stichwahl vertreten.
Fraud and corruption in the public sector heavily harm the economy, lower investment levels and reduce public finances.
Misspent public money in low quality services and goods can endanger both the financial and operational integrity of an organisation. Therefore, rigorous audits of procurement and contract management play a key role nowadays in assuring efficiency in public administration.