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Public Hearing: Worldwatch Institute Europe, State of the World Report 2012


Tue, 06/05/2012 - 10:00


European Parliament

Event Type

L - Conference, forum


Climate & Environment

Event Location


Event Description

Worldwatch Institute Europe, State of the World Report 2012
Tuesday 5th of June 2012, 12.00 - 14.00
hosted by MEP Nikos Chrysogelos (GREENS/EFA)
Founded in 1974 the Washington-based Worldwatch Institute was the first independent research Institute with a global environmental perspective. In 2011 a European Office was opened in Copenhagen, the leading green capital of the EU. Famous through its "State of the Report" analytical reports and "Vital Signs" statistical analysis, the Worldwatch Institute is always at the forefront of the political debate and leads often political decision makers to a more sustainable policy.
As world leaders will meet in June 20 years after the Earth Summit another time in Brazil for the Rio +20 Conference, the 2012 edition of "State of the World" focuses on necessary changes and policies.
To give us in Brussels the possibility to get first hand information on these Rio+20 challenges I have invited three key representatives from Worldwatch Institute Europe:
Brussels Launch of the "State of the World Report 2012"
Tuesday, 5th of June 2012
12.00 - 14.00
European Parliament, Brussels
Building Paul Henri Spaak (PHS), 4th floor, room 4B1
12.00 - 12.30: Sandwich Buffet  
12.30 - 12.40: MEP Nikos Chrysogelos, welcoming speech
12.40 - 13.00: Bo Normander (Director, Worldwatch Institute Europe), "State of the World Report 2012"
13.00 - 13.20: Eirini Glyki (Researcher, Worldwatch Institute Europe), "Messages for Rio+20"
13.20 - 13.30: Q&A
13.30 - 13.50: Alexandra Hayles (Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute Europe), “Beyond Enterprise - Emerging Cooperatives"
13.50 - 14.00: MEP Satu Hassi (Board of Directors, Worldwatch Institute Europe), closing remarks
To facilitate the organisation, please register at
In case you do not have a valid access badge for the EP, please register not later than 01 June and indicate your address, date of birth, nationality and passport (or ID) number as well.
An entrance badge will be prepared for you - please come between 11.30 and 12.00 on 5th of June to the Luxembourg entrance "Simone Veil" of the EP Altiero Spinelli building to collect it.

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