European Future Summits 2017 – Workshop I: Greece and the EU in 2035
Event Type
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Event Location
Event Description
Call for participation
WORKSHOP, Projektreihe: EFS
16.06.2017 – 17.06.2017
Europäische Akademie Berlin
This workshop of the European Future Summits series focuses on Greece. Against the background of the global economic crisis and its dire consequences for the Greek economy and its society, as well as in light of the enormous strengths Greece keeps mobilizing to help overcome the refugee crisis in Europe, the workshop aims to elaborate the country’s position in the European Union, its potential future challenges and options.
This indeed very complex field will be rendered manageable in the course of the workshop by jointly elaborating three future scenarios (with respect to the future of Greece in the context of European politics). The progress in time from the present days up to 2035, together with general premises and drivers, will provide the analytic framework for this process. In this way – and mainly through open debate – the core aspects of the topic will be identified and options for action derived.
The workshop is designed for academics and experts as well as actors from the organized civil society who are deeply invested in research, policy making, or civic engagement regarding Greek politics, economy and society and/or the politics of the European Union.
The workshop begins on Friday, June 16, 01:00 p.m. and ends on Saturday June 17, 05:00 p.m. Thanks to the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office, participation in the conference is free of any other charge (including meals and programme costs). For guests from outside Berlin, the EAB can offer overnight accommodation for up to four participants: please note that the number of places is limited.
If you are interested in participating, we look forward to receiving a brief letter of interest, including your name and your professional affiliation. A full programme of the workshop will be posted on this website shortly. For registration and further questions, please contact Ilona Rathert (ir@eab-berlin.eu, 030 89595127).
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