ERA: Annual Conference on Countering Terrorism 2017- Tools and Challenges
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
Language: English
Organiser: ERA (Ramin Farinpour)
Event number: 317R21
This annual conference will analyse the latest developments in the European Union’s response to the threat of terrorism, with a focus on the follow-up to the adoption of EU Directive 2017/541 on combating terrorism, the ongoing implementation of the European Agenda on Security, as well as the European Commission’s latest proposals to tackle violent radicalisation leading to terrorism, terrorist financing and the freezing of assets.
Key topics
- Actions implemented since the adoption of EU Directive (EU) 2017/541 on combating terrorism, especially in relation to terrorist offences, offences related to terrorist groups and activities, as well as specific measures of protection and assistance to victims of terrorism
- Measures to improve cross-border cooperation in relation to the exchange of information, investigations, arrests and prosecutions
- Dealing with radicalised individuals and foreign fighters
- Latest developments regarding the EU Action Plan for strengthening the fight against terrorist financing, money laundering and asset recovery
- Counter-terrorism and human rights in the case law of the European Court of Human RightsSpeakers
David Bénichou*, Examining Magistrate, Section for Investigations of Criminal Cases, Counter-terrorism and Violations of State Security, Court of First Instance, Paris
Jeroen Blomsma, Policy Officer, Terrorism Financing Entity, Terrorism and Radicalisation Unit, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission, Brussels
Radoslav Dimov*, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg
Ramin Farinpour, Senior Lawyer, Course Director, European Criminal Law Section, ERA, Trier
Nils Hänninger, Director, Division for Police Issues, Ministry of Justice, Stockholm
Philippe de Koster, Director, Belgian Financial Intelligence Processing Unit (FIU-CTIF-CFI), Brussels
Michal Nešpor, Policy Officer, Freedoms and Justice Department, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Vienna
Sabrina Noel, Federal Magistrate, Terrorism Section, Federal Prosecution Service, Brussels
Florentino-Gregorio Ruiz Yamuza, Senior Judge, Appeal Court of Huelva; Member of the Spanish Judicial Network for International Cooperation in Criminal Matters
Andrew Silke*, Professor, Head of Criminology/Director of Terrorism Studies, School of Business and Law, University of East London
Sir John Saunders, Vice Chairman of the Parole Board for England and Wales; former High Court Judge, London
Karl-Fred Völlmecke, Specialist, European Counter Terrorism Centre (ECTC), Europol, The Hague
Speaker, Eurojust, The Hague
Speaker*, Guardia Civil, Madrid
Speaker*, European Internet Forum, Brussels*invited
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