«Collective Redress/Class Action - #LegalProtectionInsurance» Congress 2019 of Legal Protection Insurers
Event Location
Event Description
The RIAD Congress is the leading event for Legal Protection Insurers and Service Providers in this area! This year it will address collective redress/class action by looking at examples across the globe, delving into panel discussions, providing a SWOT analysis and approaching mass-claim procedures from a practical angle. As a particular highlight, EU legislator Geoffroy Didier (MdP and Rapporteur on the EU Directive) and German legislator Prof. Dr. Heribert Hirte (MdB and collective redress expert) will talk about the difficulties in regulating this field.
Collective redress and class actions are meant to protect consumer interests and provide access to law and justice. Both of these issues are extremely important for legal protection insurers and also for policy makers. Therefore, the EU Commission proposed a Directive to implement such mass-claim procedures in the EU which is still going through the legislative process.
Since this kind of proceedings is relatively unknown in Europe and it raises many issues, the International Association of Legal Protection Insurance (RIAD) decided to make it the topic for its annual Congress 2019. Join this high-level event to network and discuss with approx. 130 insurers, funders, academics, lawyers, politicians and other experts from around the globe!
Topics are:
- Strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of collective redress/class action
- Best practices and solutions for implementation
- Analysis and comparison of different jurisdictions, including the EU Directive and the German Musterfeststellungsklage
- Financing and funding of collective redress/class action
- Management and handling of mass claims
Why you should attend
- To learn about topical trends and best practices
- To add knowledge and skills to your professional toolbox
- To discover how to succeed in the industry and grow your business
- To exchange information and interact with top experts
- To network with representatives from different sectors such as insurance companies, lawyers, litigation funders, consumers, academics and politicians from all over the world
Hotel Palace Berlin
Budapester Str. 45, 10787 Berlin
phone +49 30 2502-0
The full list of speakers is available here: https://riadcongress2019.com/programme/speakers/
Andy Edwards, Founder of Re£ationomic$
7th November
13h00-14h00: lunch and registration
14h00-17h00: working session
18h30-21h30: networking cocktail & dinner
8th November
9h00-13h00: working session
13h00-14h00: lunch
14h00-17h00: working session
19h00-22h30: food, drinks and entertainment at the Arminius Markthalle (extra fee applies)
In addition, we have an exciting line-up of social events. Please check the event webpage.
Antje Fedderke
RIAD Secretary General
Tel: +32 (0)2 732 36 28
EVENT WEBPAGE: riadcongress2019.com
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