The German and Dutch industrial sectors are facing major challenges to decarbonise operations. These sectors are a major source of employment in both countries with significant carbon emissions contributions.

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Date: 6th February 2013 / EWORLD 2013, Essen (DE)
Time: 15.30 -16.30 Room: Raum M, Congress Center Sud
Dear Journalist,
You are kindly invited to attend the EFETnet Press Conference @ EWorld 2013.
Along with an update on the latest EFETnet news and services, we will discuss:
Supporting the new regulatory reporting needs: the new EFETnet eRR Pilot project
Jan Haizmann, Chairman of EFETnet Supervisory Board
Liam Dunne, EFETnet Implementation Lead
Jan van Aken, EFET Secretary General
Please confirm your participation to
EFETnet was established by the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) an organization founded in 1999 by Europe’s leading energy companies and is used for EFET and non-EFET energy trading contracts. EFETnet B.V. is an independent company 100% owned by the EFET.
It was set up in 2004 by EFET to serve those actively involved in energy trading and is intended to deliver the benefits of electronic data exchange standardization that was first pioneered by EFET and its members. More information at
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LightingEurope is looking forward to welcome you at the following events:
Background info Climate Change Adaptation
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