The German and Dutch industrial sectors are facing major challenges to decarbonise operations. These sectors are a major source of employment in both countries with significant carbon emissions contributions.

“Energy efficiency and renewables ‘made in Europe’ - Opportunities and challenges of the EU Energy Union for Germany”
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
“Energy efficiency and renewables ‘made in Europe’ - Opportunities and
challenges of the EU Energy Union for Germany”
- Welcome and opening speech
Bernd Westphal, Member of the German Bundestag SPD* - The EU Energy Union – the work ahead
Claude Turmes, Member of the European Parliament, President of EUFORES - The German energy future
Rainer Baake, State Secretary, German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy* - Key role of political frameworks - Defining the right incentive scheme for energy efficiency
Marie Donnelly, Director Dir C — Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, European Commission*
- Energy efficiency as business model in Germany
Martin Bornholdt, Managing Director, Deutsche Unternehmensinitiative Energieeffizienz - Germany’s progress in energy efficiency
Daniel Becker, Managing Director, Ecofys, Partner Energy-Efficiency-Watch project
- Energy performance contracting in Germany
Stephan von Hundelshausen, ESCO Forum* - Consumers’ perspective on energy efficiency: rewarding investment or unpleasant expense factor?
Peter Kafke, Policy Officer and Deputy Project Manager Energy Projects, Bundesverband Verbraucherzentrale
- Making Europe No 1 in renewables – a joint European project
Jo Leinen, Member of the European Parliament - Renewable energy sources in Germany – policy framework for 2030
Dr. Anne Held, Senior Researcher and Project Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research* - Perspectives of further deployment of renewable energy technologies in Germany
Dr. Hermann Falk, Managing director of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE)*
- Josef Göppel, MdB, CDU/CSU
- Bernd Westphal, MdB, SPD*
- Julia Verlinden, MdB, Bündnis 90/Grüne*
- Eva Bulling-Schröter, MdB, Die Linke*
- Marie Donnelly, Director Dir C — Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, European Commission*
- Jo Leinen, MEP*
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