Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
Frontex, Smart Borders, Systems Interoperability, Irregular Migration Trier, 28-29 September 2017
20% discount available until 28 July 2017
This conference will debate the latest developments and challenges in the EU’s internal and external border management. It will analyse the latest reforms and proposals on the functioning and operation of EU border management systems, in particular SIS II, as well as Frontex’ role and responsibilities in the face of rising migratory concerns and irregular border crossings, one year after taking on new responsibilities as the European Border and Coast Guard Agency.
Key topics
- Latest Commission legislative proposals to strengthen border management systems and introduction of the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS)
- Frontex: latest migratory trends and routes, joint border operations, Eurosur, operations since becoming the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, vulnerability assessment of Member States and cooperation with third countries
- Operation Sophia: an update on the EU Naval Force Mediterranean’s (EUNAVFOR MED) active operations to counter smugglers, destroy their assets, cooperate with Libyan authorities and uphold the UN arms embargo
- Latest EU-wide measures to counter irregular border crossings and improve border security
- Developments in relation to smart borders, the setting-up and interlinking of national PNR systems and moving towards the interoperability of border management systems
A visit to the village of Schengen and its European Museum Schengen will form part of the conference.
>> Further information and online registration
Language: English
Organiser: ERA (Ramin Farinpour)
Event number: 317R19
Erik van Assen*, Policy Advisor, Royal Marechaussee, Amsterdam
Ciaran Carolan, Head of External Affairs and Capacity Building Sector, eu-LISA, Tallinn
Veerle Claerhout, Policy Officer, Schengen Information System Entity, Information Systems for Borders and Security Unit, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels
Alessandro Di Tolla, Head of Return Support Unit, Frontex, Warsaw
Ramin Farinpour, Senior Lawyer, European Criminal Law Section, ERA, Trier
Marco Hafner, Research Leader, RAND Europe, Cambridge
Klaus Rösler, Director, Operations Division, Frontex, Warsaw
Zsolt Szolnoki, Senior High Counsellor, Programme Manager for Large-scale IT systems, Ministry of Interior, Budapest
Representative of European Union Naval Force Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED), Rome
Representative of Border Management and Schengen Unit, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels*
Representative of Hellenic Police, Athens*
* invited
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