Raw Materials Supply (Europe+Canada)
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
- What new opportunities could emerge for businesses and investors in Germany, Canada and Europe when the CETA agreement comes into effect?
- Are existing EU measures, such as the Raw Materials Initiative, and the German Raw Materials Strategy sufficient to secure the raw materials supply from Canada and other international markets?
- Can bilateral initiatives between businesses, industrial sectors or governments in the two countries complement EU measures? Or are the former perhaps even more efficient?
- What role do Business Relationships play in relations between Canada, Germany and the European Union?
- Canada and Germany are leading in the development of technologies and innovations at different stages along the value-added chain. What can the two countries learn from each other?
- H.E. Marie Gervais-Vidricaire, Embassy of Canada
- Tim Aiken, Nickel Institute
- Patrick Chevalier, Natural Resources Canada NRCan
- Dr. Thomas Gäckle, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- Dr. Dierk Paskert, Resource Alliance
- Thomas Franke, Publisher EurActiv.de
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